School Policies

Allocation of Meals to Children With Allergies

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Anti-Bullying Policy - 2024

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Attendance & Punctuality Policy - 2023

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Behaviour Policy - 2024

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BYO - Mobile Device Policy

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Charging & Remissions for School Activities

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Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy - 2023

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Children With Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy - 2023

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Computing Policy - 2023

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Emotional Health & Wellbeing Policy

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Equality Policy - April 2021

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Freedom of Information Policy - 2024

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Governors' Allowances Policy - 2023

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Handwriting Policy 2020

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Healthy & Safety Policy

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Instrument of Government

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Learning & Teaching Policy

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Medical Conditions, Medicines & First Aid Policy - 2023

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Parent/Carers Anti-Bullying 2020

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Parent, Carer & Visitor - Code of Conduct

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Pay Policy Sept 2022 - Aug 2023

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Philosophy For Children

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Physical Intervention/Control Policy - 2024

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Policy for Allegations Against Staff

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Positive Touch Policy - 2024

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School Complaints Procedure

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Separated Parents Policy

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Social Networking Policy - 2023

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Staff Code of Conduct Policy - 2024

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Staff Disciplinary Procedure

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Children's Guide to Anti-Bullying

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Providing Remote Education Information

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St Luke's Photo & Video Guideline

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Assessing Knowledge & Skills in the Foundation Subjects

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