
1. St Luke's List of Governors

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1a. St Luke's - Instrument of Government

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1c. New Governors Blog

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2022/23 FGB Meetings

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2022/23 Meeting Attendance

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2023 10th July Minutes - FGB

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2023 14th November Minutes - Finance Personnel & Premises Committee

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2023 15th May Minutes- Quality of Education

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2023 20th March Minutes - FGB

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2023 22nd May Minutes - Behaviours, Attitudes & Personal Development

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2023 22nd May Minutes - Extraordinary Finance Meeting

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2023 6th March Minutes - Finance, Personnel & Premises Committee

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2023 minutes - Behaviours, Attitudes & Personal Development 6th Feb

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2023 Minutes- Leadership & Management 12th June

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2023 minutes- Leadership & Management 27th Feb

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3. FGB Meetings 2021/2022

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Leadership Management Meeting Notes 19.10.20

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Minutes - FGB 11.7.22

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Minutes - FGB 13.7.20

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Minutes - FGB 16.11.20

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Minutes - FGB 28.11.22

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Minutes - FGB 28.3.2022

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Minutes - FGB 29.3.21

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Minutes - Finance Personnel & Premises 2.2.22

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Minutes - Finance, Personnel & Premises 14.11.22

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Minutes - Finance, Personnel & Premises Committee 20.6.22

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Minutes FGB 29.11.21

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Minutes Finance Personnel & Premises 8.11.21

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Not for Working Group - Achievement 18.10.21

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Note for Leadership & Management Working Group 24.2.22

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Note for Quality of Education 14.9.22

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Notes for Behaviour, Attitudes, Personal Development Working Group 22.2.21

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Notes for Behaviour, Attitudes, Personal Development Working Group 7.6.21

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Notes for EFGBM 2.11.21

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Notes For Governor Term of Office 9.6.22

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Notes for Leadership & Management Working Group 10.10.22

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Notes For Leadership & Management Working Group 13.6.22

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Notes for Leadership & Management Working Group 14.6.21

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Notes For Quality Of Education 2.11.21

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Notes for Quality of Education 27.6.22

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Notes For Quality of Education 7.2.22

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Notes for Quality of Education Working Group 1.2.21

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Notes For Working Group - Behaviour and Attitudes/Personal Development 11.10.21

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Notes for Working Group - Behaviour and Attitudes/Personal Development 21.2.22

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Notes for Working Group - Behaviour and Attitudes/Personal Development 29.6.22

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Notes for Working Group - Leadership & Management 12.10.21

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Notes for Working Group - Quality of Education 28.2.22

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