Teachers and support staff make home visits to children joining at the beginning of the Reception year as well as visiting any nursery settings the children have attended. All children join Reception in September with staggered starts over the first week. All children who join our school (other than at the start of Reception) are given an adult mentor who will support them until they have settled and made friends. For certain children with particular needs, we make a transition book to support each child moving from one class to the next. The book contains photos of the new class; new class teacher; new classmates etc so that the child can look at the book over the summer break. In Year 6, teachers prepare children for the transition to secondary school and secondary staff visit the school to talk about all children’s needs. Some children benefit from extra support over this transition to secondary school. These children will be supported by a mentor or key worker. This will include additional visits to the secondary school. We often visit certain children after they have moved to secondary school too.
How will you prepare and support my child with transitions?
Curriculum and Ethos Categories
- Inclusion at St Luke’s Primary
- SEND in a Nutshell
- What does St Luke’s Primary offer?
- St Luke’s SEN Information Report
- What kinds of Special Educational Needs (SEN) does St Luke’s cater for?
- How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special needs?
- How does St Luke’s plan support for pupils with special educational needs?
- How will staff support my child?
- How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
- How will both the school and parent/ carers know how children are doing?
- How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
- What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
- How will you prepare and support my child with transitions?
- How are resources allocated and matched to my child’s special educational needs?
- How are decisions made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
- How are parents involved in the setting?
- Brighton & Hove Local Offer
- Child and Family Wellbeing
- SEN Parent Group
- Adopted Children and Looked-After Children
- A few useful SEND website links
- SEND Glossary
- School Access Plan
- Who to Contact